Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein said on CNN Wednesday that prominent Republicans are concerned about the president’s mental stability and emotional maturity. Bernstein said that the conversations he’s having in the last week have been, “unlike anything I have seen in 50 years as a reporter.”

WATCH: Carl Bernstein: Republicans worried about Trump’s ’emotional maturity, stability’

During the segment he said:

“I am hearing from Republicans, and other reporters are as well, that there is open discussion by members of the President of the United States’ own party about his emotional maturity, stability,” he said.

“People are saying that his psyche is driving the news cycle.

“We are in uncharted territory here and we ought to talk to some of our colleagues about what they are hearing. [I think it’s a really fruitful area because] I’ve never heard [people] talking about a president… the way this subtext is now a talking point.”

Bernstein further said of Trump’s mental instability: “Something very disturbing is going on here. I talked about the tweets being an MRI of his psyche. These remarks are likewise an MRI of his psyche, and it’s not a very pretty place.”