Donald Trump Can’t Stop Watching Cable News

One Republican strategist called Donald Trump’s TV watching behavior “bizarre to the point of alarming.”

Donald Trump is known for watching a lot of cable news, but a new report reveals that the problem might just be a lot worse than we all thought.

According to a Washington Post report released Sunday, Donald Trump’s cable news addiction is according to one prominent GOP strategist “bizarre to the point of alarming.”

Trump watches cable news shows in the morning religiously – reportedly flipping between Fox News, Fox Business, CNBC, and MSNBC. And Trump reportedly “hate-watches” prime time shows that are critical of him at night.

The Washington Post piece raises alarming questions about how the president spends his time: “But Trump’s habits have consequences far beyond being the quirky, unchanging ways of a 70-year-old man who keeps an eye on cable as he goes about his day, as his confidants describe his behavior. Foreign diplomats have urged their governments’ leaders to appear on television when they’re stateside as a means of making their case to Trump, and U.S. lawmakers regard a TV appearance as nearly on par with an Oval Office meeting in terms of showcasing their standing or viewpoints to the president.”

“But Trump’s habits have consequences far beyond being the quirky, unchanging ways of a 70-year-old man who keeps an eye on cable as he goes about his day, as his confidants describe his behavior. Foreign diplomats have urged their governments’ leaders to appear on television when they’re stateside as a means of making their case to Trump, and U.S. lawmakers regard a TV appearance as nearly on par with an Oval Office meeting in terms of showcasing their standing or viewpoints to the president.”

The Post report tells a story about how Trump, during a recent lunch with key ally “repeatedly paused the conversation to make the group watch a particularly combative Spicer briefing.”

Another key fact that was confirmed by the Washington Post report is that Trump’s own staff often use cable news appearances to attempt to get a point across to the president that they can’t seem to get across in person.

Donald Trump regularly takes breaks throughout the day to tune into cable news and the Post report quoted one adviser saying, “Once he goes upstairs, there’s no managing him.”

You can read the full Washington Post report here.