Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Pregnancy Are Pre-Existing Conditions In GOP Plan

The Republican bill is an attack on women’s health. 

The disastrous Republican bill to repeal Obamacare would make sexual assault, domestic violence and pregnancy all pre-existing conditions again.

A new amendment to the bill, known as the MacArthur Amendment would strip away Obamacare’s protections for pre-existing conditions.

The MacArthur Amendment would allow states to waive the ban that prevents insurance companies from charging people with pre-existing conditions more for health insurance. That change would take us back to the kinds of gender discrimination that was legal before Obamacare. And it also means that victims of sexual assault or domestic violence would be charged more for health insurance.

Not only would victims face discrimination but the Republican bill would likely lead to fewer assault victims seeking treatment because getting treatment could lead to paying higher premiums once insurance companies find out.

The Republican bill also makes pregnancy a pre-existing condition again and according to one analysis would result in a premium increase of over $17,000.

And as New York Magazine points out, “In addition to rape, postpartum depression, Cesarean sections, and surviving domestic violence are all considered preexisting conditions. Companies can also deny coverage for gynecological services and mammograms.”