Al Franken Perfectly Explains The Meanness Of GOP Health Bill (Video)

[watch the video below]
Senator Al Franken on Monday got straight to the heart of the fundamental meanness of the Republican health care plan.

During an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Franken called the plan “cruel” because it would take health care away from 750,000 people in exchange for tax cuts for just 400 of the wealthiest taxpayers.

“The top 400 hundred people in terms of tax cuts here, the amount of money they’ll get in tax cuts would pay for Medicaid for 750,000 people,” Franken said.

Franken was citing a survey in the New England Journal of Medicine saying that “one to two thousand people will die if you cut 750,000 people from Medicaid.”

“So that means you are killing one to two thousand — killing them!” he added. “People on Medicaid have better health care outcomes, they have access to a doctor. They don’t have to have catastrophic costs, they don’t go bankrupt. This works and it saves lives.”

“This is mean,” Franken concluded. “This is worse than mean, it is cruel.”

Watch the full interview here (starts at about 7:30 mark):

[image via screenshot]