Former CIA Director Writes An Emotional Letter After Trump Press Conference

“If allowed to continue along this senseless path, Mr. Trump will do lasting harm to American society and to our standing in the world.”

Former CIA director John Brennan wrote a heartfelt note to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer apologizing for the “pain inflicted” by Donald Trump’s insane press conference.

Blitzer had noted on the air that all four of his grandparents had been murdered by Nazis during the Holocaust.

And Brennan saw the segment on CNN and wrote a personal note on to Blitzer about, “unspeakable evil of Nazism” which CNN has now shared.

Here is the full letter that Brennan wrote Blitzer:

“Just watched your interview with Senator Blumenthal when you mentioned that you lost all four of your grandparents to the unspeakable evil of Nazism. I just want to extend my sympathies not only for their deaths but also to you and your family–and countless others–for the pain inflicted today by the despicable words of Donald Trump.

“Mr. Trump’s words, and the beliefs they reflect, are a national disgrace, and all Americans of conscience need to repudiate his ugly and dangerous comments.

“If allowed to continue along this senseless path, Mr. Trump will do lasting harm to American society and to our standing in the world. By his words and his actions, Mr. Trump is putting our national security and our collective futures at grave risk.”