The Economist Hits Trump With KKK Imagery In Brutal New Cover

New Economist Cover pulls no punches.

The Economist magazine released its new cover and story and one thing is certain, Donald Trump isn’t going to like it.

The story declares Trump to be “politically inept, morally barren, and temperamentally unfit for office.”

The cover features an illustration of Trump yelling into a bullhorn shaped like a KKK hood, referencing Trump’s continued promotion of white supremacist language and arguments in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville.

The Economist has been a consistent critic or Trump since his inauguration with several brutal cover images.

Here is the new Economist cover:

The Economist opens its piece with a brutal take down of those who defend Trump:

“DEFENDERS of President Donald Trump offer two arguments in his favour—that he is a businessman who will curb the excesses of the state; and that he will help America stand tall again by demolishing the politically correct taboos of left-leaning, establishment elites. From the start, these arguments looked like wishful thinking. After Mr Trump’s press conference in New York on August 15th they lie in ruins.

“The unscripted remarks were his third attempt to deal with violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend (see article). In them the president stepped back from Monday’s—scripted—condemnation of the white supremacists who had marched to protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, a Confederate general, and fought with counter-demonstrators, including some from the left. In New York, as his new chief of staff looked on dejected, Mr Trump let rip, stressing once again that there was blame “on both sides”. He left no doubt which of those sides lies closer to his heart.”

Read the full Economist story here.