Republican Senator Says He’d Support Impeachment If Trump Fires Mueller

Jeff Flake is the latest Republican to draw a line in the sand for Donald Trump. 

Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday that he would support impeaching President Trump if he fired Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Flake made the statement to The Washington Post saying that firing Mueller would “force the Congress to take the only remedy that Congress can take.”

“To remind the president of that is the best way to keep him from going down that road. To fire Mueller without cause, I don’t know if there is any other remedy left to the legislative branch,” Flake said.

Flake also recalled Nixon in his statement.

“Nixon left before impeachment came, but that was the remedy then and that would be the remedy now,” Flake said.

“The president needs to be reminded that while there is nothing the House and the Senate can do constitutionally to prevent the president from moving forward, our remedy is on the other side. And the firing of a special prosecutor without cause will, as Lindsey Graham said, prompt that remedy,” Flake continued.

Flake also sent Trump a message via Twitter imploring the president not to create a constitutional crisis.

[image via Gage Skidmore]