Former Trump Advisor Set to Appear Before House Committee

Another former Trump ally is set to testify before Congress.

CNN reported that Michael Caputo, former communications adviser to Trump’s campaign, will appear before the House Intelligence Committee in July.

This interview is part of the panel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Caputo once worked in Moscow and has connections to Russia. According to CNN, “He says he helped the fledgling Russian government craft more open election laws and advised the successful re-election campaign of then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin.”

After moving back to the United States, Caputo was a consultant for a massive Russia energy conglomerate called Gazprom Media.

However, Caputo continues to deny that he was involved in any collusion with Russian officials during the election.

“We have agreed to appear voluntarily, without subpoeana, before the committee in closed session on Friday, July 14,” Dennis Vacco, Caputo’s attorney, told CNN.

Caputo has been friends with Roger Stone, who also plans to voluntarily be interviewed by the House panel later in July.

Stone, who has also denied any wrong doing, will speak about his communications involving WikiLeaks and the Russian hacking operation that went under the name Guciffer 2.0. Stone, who will talk to the committee on July 24, has denied any wrongdoing, and has called for his testimony to be held in a public setting.

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