Trump Hires Bottled Water Lobbyist, Lobbyist Reverses Plastic Bottle Ban At National Parks

The Trump administration is overrun by lobbyists overseeing the industries that used to pay their salaries. 

The Obama administration implemented a ban on disposable plastic water bottles at 23 national parks in order to reduce pollution and plastic waste.

Well, that plastic water bottle ban has been reversed under Donald Trump. And here is how that happened.

First, Donald Trump hires David Bernhardt as deputy secretary for the Department of the Interior.

Who is David Bernhardt you ask? As The Washington Post points out, David Bernhardt is a former lobbyist who worked for a law firm that represented one of the largest water bottle companies in the country,

The bottled water industry lobbied Congress unsuccessfully to end the Obama-ear ban in 2015.

And in case you were wondering if maybe the decision was a coincidence and didn’t have anything to do with the bottled water industry.

The statement that was released by the Trump administration just so happens to sound oddly similar to the argument used by the International Bottled Water Association when it was fighting the ban- that it “removed the healthiest beverage choice at a variety of parks while still allowing sales of bottled sweetened drinks.”

The International Bottled Water Association, of course, celebrated the Trump administration’s decision.

Read the full piece by the Washington Post here.

[image via Twitter]