On Saturday, former CIA Director John Brennan said Saturday that he is “deeply saddened and angered” by President Donald Trump’s “despicable display of self-aggrandizement” during a rambling speech in front of the CIA’s wall of stars.

Former CIA Director John Brennan: Trump should be ashamed of himself

Donald Trump’s visit to the CIA was presumably an effort to improve his relationship with the agency he has spent weeks disparaging and attacking – including calling them Nazis.

During Trump’s remarks in front of the CIA’s wall of stars and a small group of CIA employees quickly ran off the rails with Trump attacking the media for not inflating the size of his inauguration crowd. Trump also spent time talking about how young he feels, saying he feels like he’s in his 30’s.

Standing in front of the 117 chiseled stars on the wall, each for an agent who died in the line of duty, Donald Trump also said that the U.S. should have “kept the oil” after invading Iraq. Saying, “Now I said it for economic reasons. But if you think about it, Mike, if we kept the oil, you probably wouldn’t have ISIS because that’s where they made their money in the first place, so we should have kept the oil.”