“If your grandpa started talking like this you’d consider putting him in a home.”

“Late Night” host Seth Meyers used his “A Closer Look” segment Thursday night to skewer Donald Trump for his terrifyingly insecure behavior.

Meyers talked about how there was plenty of material to work with in Donald Trump’s first televised interview, with ABC News’ David Muir. In less than 30 minutes, Trump promised to start building a Mexico border wall within “months,” made up a story about intelligence officials that claim “torture works,” and repeated his lie about “millions of illegals” that voted against him in the election.

“Even bigger than Trump’s obsession with the crowd at his inauguration is his insecurity about losing the popular vote. If you were hoping a week of being president would change that,” well according to Meyers that fantasy has flew out the window when Trump started tweeting about a “major investigation” into his voter fraud lie.

Meyers went on to say,  “Clearly, this is the beginning of an attempt by the president to crack down on the people who voted against him, using fake voter fraud as a pretext. But Trump did not restrict his lies and delusions just to voter fraud claims.” Meyers then gave the example of Trump saying that he got the biggest standing ovation at the CIA since Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl.

Meyers ended the segment with, “In the end, if you were hoping Trump would use the ABC interview to offer a hopeful, unifying message for the country, you were probably disappointed. Instead, he pulled the anchor aside to show him an inauguration photo and once again brag about his crowd size.”