Trump gives white supremacist Steve Bannon a national security role

Lost amongst the chaos and controversy regarding Donald Trump’s Muslim-ban on Saturday, Donald Trump signed another executive order that reorganizes the National Security Council to give his white supremacist adviser Steve Bannon a seat on the principals committee. The principals committee includes the most senior national security officials, including the secretaries of defense and state.

According to the Washington Post, “That memo also states that the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will sit on the principals committee only when the issues to be discussed pertain to their ‘responsibilities and expertise.’ In the previous two administrations, both were included as regular attendees.”

Trump’s changes continue the ascent of Steve Bannon who the former executive chairman of Breitbart, a white supremacist website.

The Washington Post piece went on to characterize Steve Bannon’s growing role, saying he is “playing a major role in directing Trump’s foreign policy, administration officials say, and joined the president in the Oval Office on Saturday for his calls with Putin and several other world leaders.”

Prior to joining forces with Trump, Bannon ran a white supremacist website, worked for Goldman Sachs and told his wife that he didn’t want his children ‘going to school with Jews.’