3 Things Trump & Republicans Have Already Done To Screw The Average American

With all the chaos that Donald Trump creates, it’s easy for important stories to slip past our attention.

So we thought we’d put together a list of things Trump and the Republicans have already done to screw the average American.

So without further ado, here they are:

1. Trump’s executive order getting rid of the fiduciary rule

On Friday, Donald Trump signed an executive order that was aimed at getting rid of an Obama rule to protect consumers getting financial advice.

In 2016, the Obama administration announced what is called the fiduciary rule. The purpose of the fiduciary rule is to ensure that financial advisors are acting in their customers best interest and not their own. For example, when your financial advisor suggests that you buy a specific mutual fund, the fiduciary rule requires that your advisor is recommending that fund because it will benefit you and not because it will make them a bigger commission than if they sold you a different fund.

Of course, Wall Street and the financial industry hate the fiduciary rule because it means they can’t keep screwing their customers. They like to pretend that it will reduce consumer choice – which I guess if they are prevented from offering their customers crummy choices, that is probably a good thing!

Well since Wall Street hates it, Donald Trump made it one of his first priorities to get rid of.


2. Republicans voted to let mining companies dump waste into rivers, seriously

So while he was president, Barack Obama thought it would be a good idea to make a rule that prevents mining companies from dumping their waste into rivers and water ways. You know cause people need to drink water and stuff.

Well Republicans in Congress think that rule is very unfair to mining companies and those mining companies should be able to dump their waste into any river they want. So Republicans in the House and Senate voted to do just that. The House voted 228-194 to get rid of the law, and the next day the Senate joined them voting 54-45.

Way to go Republicans!

3. Republicans and Trump want to allow the mentally ill to own guns

On Thursday Republicans in Congress voted to get rid of another Obama rule, this one limits access to guns for people who are mentally ill.

Under the rule, the Social Security Administration would send the names of people who receive certain Social Security benefits but who name someone else to receive and manage those benefits because of their own mental impairment to the FBI. The FBI would add those names to the their National Instant Criminal Background Check System that is used in gun purchase background checks.

Just to make sure we are all clear on this – in the second week of the Trump administration, Trump and Republicans thought it was a major priority to make sure that people who are mentally ill can still buy guns.