Senators Sanders and Schumer Call for Nationwide Pro-Obamacare Rallies

Senators Charles Schumer and Bernie Sanders on Saturday called on their constituents and other senators to lead nationwide rallies in support of Obamacare – which would take place on Saturday, February 25.

“The Republican Party’s plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act is in chaos,” the two said in a joint statement Saturday. “The American people increasingly understand that throwing 20 million people off health insurance, privatizing Medicare, raising prescription drug costs for seniors and doing away with life-and-death patient protection provisions is not acceptable.”

“We are encouraging Democratic senators to lead rallies in their states. This is not a Democratic issue, a Republican issue or an Independent issue,” the senators added. “The overwhelming majority of Americans, regardless of political persuasion, understand that we have to go forward on health care, not backwards.”

A CNN/ORC poll from last month found more people viewed the law favorably as opposed to unfavorably, 49%-47%. In that poll, a majority would prefer the GOP to repeal parts of the law only if replacements can be enacted at the same time (55%).