BREAKING: Federal Judge Denies Trump’s Request To Delay Court Proceedings On Immigration Case

On Monday, a federal judge in Seattle decide to reject a Trump administration request to delay district court proceedings.

The Trump administration requested that the judge postpone the district court case until the San Francisco-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has a chance to decide whether to rehear a three-judge panel’s decision last Thursday. The three-judge panel decided last week to keep Trump’s Muslim-ban blocked.

Reuters reported, “A U.S. federal judge on Monday rejected a Justice Department request to suspend Seattle courtroom proceedings over President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban from seven Muslim-majority countries until an appeals court has fully reviewed it. The U.S. Justice Department had argued that the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals should review the suspension of Trump’s order before more proceedings take place, including potential discovery into the president’s motives for the action.”

Judge James Robart ordered that both sides in the legal battle to continue. The judge also reportedly was surprised that the White House would request a delay since Trump had tweeted “SEE YOU IN COURT” last week.


You can read the full story here.