Democrat Demands That Trump Release Transcripts Of Flynn’s Russia Calls

Amid growing concern over the bombshell revelation that Michael Flynn had conversations with the Russian ambassador about sanctions – a likely violation of the Logan Act – one democrat is demanding that Donald Trump release the transcripts of the conversation. New broke over the last few days that transcripts exist of the conversation between Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador discussing sanctions, specifically that Michael Flynn urged the Russians to show restraint when responding to President Obama’s announcement of new sanctions because Trump would likely get rid of the sanctions when he became president.

Congressman David Cicilline a Democrat of Rhode Island said that Donald Trump should make the transcripts of his national security adviser’s conversations with the Russian ambassador public.

“President Trump still has not commented on the behavior of one of his top aides,” Cicilline, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a statement. “It is time for this administration to tell the truth.”

“Release the transcripts of Michael Flynn’s calls with the Russian ambassador,” he continued.

“Let the American people judge [Flynn’s] conduct for themselves. These allegations are incredibly serious and continued silence is not an acceptable option for this White House.”

“They sent a clear message that the Kremlin would not be held accountable for interfering in the 2016 election,” the Congressman said of the conversation between Flynn and the Russian ambassador.

“And now these actions are raising serious questions about Michael Flynn’s fitness for office,” Cicilline added.