Elizabeth Warren Sends Trump Labor Pick Andy Puzder 28 Pages Worth Of Questions

Elizabeth Warren sent a 28-page letter to the Carl’s Jr. CEO on Monday with 83 questions that asked questions about his conflicts of interest, his opposition to minimum the wage and his company’s history of labor and discrimination lawsuits.

Clearly Warren and other Democrats are not going to let Puzder get through his confirmation without a fight.

Warren’s letter said, “My staff’s review of your 16-year tenure as CEO of CKE Restaurants, Inc., the parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr., reveals that you’ve made your fortune by squeezing the very workers you’d be charged with protecting as Labor Secretary out of wages and benefits.”

At the heart of Warren’s letter is the questions of how workers can trust Puzder to enforce laws fairly if he believes it’s preferable to replace his workers with robots.

Warren continued, “Your company’s record of prolific labor law abuses and discrimination suits — the most of any major burger chain — gives me great pause given that as Labor Secretary you’d be charged with enforcing these very laws.”

“If confirmed as Labor Secretary, your decisions will profoundly impact the lives of 150 million American workers,” Warren’s letter said.

“Your policy choices will affect their paychecks, their ability to build financial security for themselves and their families, and their health and safety.”

Warren also asked if Puzder will defend President Obama’s overtime rule in court given his public criticism of the rule expanding overtime pay to some 4 million workers.