NY Times On Trump: ‘Inept White House Led By A Celebrity Apprentice’

The New York Times editorial board ripped into Donald Trump for what they characterized as the “inept” way he has carried himself in the White House.

“It’s with a whiff of desperation that President Trump insists these days that he’s the chief executive Washington needs, the decisive dealmaker who, as he said during the campaign, ‘alone can fix it,'” is how the Times opened the editorial.

“What America has seen so far is an inept White House led by a celebrity apprentice.” 

And about the chaos that Trump and his team have characterized as accomplishments, the Times said, “When Mr. Trump’s assistants can keep the edge of panic out of their voices, they insist that Mr. Trump has gotten more done in the early going than most presidents. And Mr. Trump is so adept at creating smoke that Americans might be forgiven for thinking that’s true.”

“The president confuses executive orders with achievements,” Times noted.

The editorial also blasted Trump’s claim that he inherited a mess, saying:

This president did not inherit “a mess” from Barack Obama, as he likes to say, but a nation recovered from recession and with strong alliances abroad. Mr. Trump is well on his way to creating a mess of his own, weakening national security and even risking the delivery of basic government services. Most of the top thousand jobs in the administration remain vacant. Career public servants are clashing with inexperienced “beachhead” teams appointed by the White House to run federal agencies until permanent staff members arrive.

Toxic mix of ideology, inexperience and rivalries

“The White House is a toxic mix of ideology, inexperience and rivalries; insiders say tantrums are nearly as common as the spelling errors in the press office’s news releases,” the Times slammed.

The Times went on to note that there is at least one upside to Trump’s ineptitude, “If there is any upside here, it is that the administration’s ineptitude has so far spared the nation from a wholesale dismantling of major laws, including the Affordable Care Act, though he may yet kill the law through malign neglect.”

You can read the full New York Times editorial here.