Report: Trump Tells Homeland Security To Help Back Up Muslim-Ban Order

CNN has reported that Donald Trump has instructed the Department of Homeland Security to help make the case for his Muslim-ban.

If that seems weird to you, it should.Usually, presidents get evidence from the intelligence community then they craft policy based on those facts. But in Trump’s America you just make up policy, then make your yes-men find something that will help make your case.

According to CNN, “First, some intelligence officials disagree with the conclusion that immigration from these countries should be temporarily banned in the name of making the US safer. CNN has learned that the Department of Homeland Security’s in-house intelligence agency, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis — called I&A within the department — offered a report that is at odds with the Trump administration’s view that blocking immigration from these seven countries strategically makes sense.”

CNN noted that several Trump administration sources have told the network that White House intelligence officials are worried about the politicization of intelligence. “Still others in the intelligence community disagree with the conclusion and are finding their work disparaged by their own department,” CNN reported.

It was reported yesterday that Trump has delayed the release of his new Muslim-ban again, this time suggesting it will be announced next week.