WATCH: Bill Maher On Trump ‘This Guy Sees More Invisible People Than The Kid From The Sixth Sense’

On Friday night’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher talked about the fact that Donald Trump rescinded President Obama’s executive order protecting trans children.

“Trump believes that men shouldn’t be able to pee in the same room as women peeing unless you’re paying for it,” Maher joked.

Then Maher ripped Caitlyn Jenner who released a video blasting Trump for the bathroom order. “Trump’s storm troopers are pulling 16-year-old Mexican kids out of classrooms to send them back to Mexico and that’s OK, but mess with my right to pee?” Maher said.

Maher then turned to Trump’s CPAC speech today, making fun of Trump’s claim that there were people outside waiting in line for six blocks. A claim that was immediately disproved by photos outside the event.

“This guy sees more invisible people than the kid from the Sixth Sense!” Maher joked.

Then Maher turned to Steve Bannon’s speech at CPAC the other day when he admitted his goals was the destruction of the government.

“You can’t impeach a guy who wants to wreck everything?” Maher asked. “What if you tried that at Quizno’s? I intend to spit in the sandwich, steal all the money from the register and burn the place down. What do you think?”