Former CIA Director Says Trump’s Travel Ban Won’t Help Fight Terrorism

Former CIA Director John Brennan said Sunday that Trump’s proposed order temporarily banning travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries isn’t going to help fight terrorism in “any significant way.”

“I don’t think the travel ban is going to help in any significant way,” Brennan told CBS’ John Dickerson on “Face the Nation.”

Instead Brennan points at terrorist recruitment activity online for what Trump should be more focused on. “What they need to do is to, again, take into account all the various means that terrorist groups use to try to carry out attacks here in the homeland,” he said. “And the cyber domain is the area where most of the terrorist groups now are operating in a very freewheeling fashion.”

“It may sound good to have a ban against individuals coming from certain countries, but you really need to take a look at what is truly going to mitigate the nature and the scope of the terrorist threat that we face,” he added.

After the courts shut down Trump’s first travel ban, him and his team keep insisting there will be a new version on the way. However, he keeps pushing when the new version will come out – since there has been controversy over the details of the plan.

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