WATCH: Colbert Responds To Trump Speech

“Now, technically, this was not a ‘State of the Union,’ because I think in this timeline, the Confederacy won,” Colbert opened his show with.

“Of course, it’s a really big night, and some in Congress dressed for the occasion,” Colbert added. “The female members of the House Democratic Caucus wore white in honor of Women’s Suffrage. While the Republicans wore white in honor of who elected them,” Colbert continued.

Colbert also slammed Trump about his stance on immigration, “Just like the Statue of Liberty says, give us your tired, your poor, but not so poor they can’t afford a two-bedroom apartment,” Colbert said.

“As we come to the end of tonight’s address to Congress, I think we can all agree on one thing,” Colbert said. “One down, seven to go.”