Pelosi Fires Back At Trump On Twitter About His Call For Investigation Into Her Russia Ties

On Friday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi fired back at Donald Trump via twitter about a tweet he sent earlier in the day calling for an “investigation” into Pelosi’s ties to Russia. 

“@realDonaldTrump doesn’t know difference between official mtg photographed by press & closed secret mtg his AG lied about under oath,” Pelosi tweeted.


Pelosi’s Twitter response came after Trump tweeted a picture trying to connect Pelosi’s public meeting with Putin and his own associates private meetings that they have tried to hide.

Pelosi’s office released a statement saying, “Leader Pelosi’s answer to the question today was clearly about private, one-on-one meetings, which she has never had with Ambassador Kislyak.”

“The Ambassador was incidental to the 2010 meeting between then-Russian President Medvedev and then-Speaker Pelosi,” she continued.

“Clearly, one needs to remind that Attorney General Sessions lied under oath about a secret meeting amidst Russia’s hacking of our election, which he also didn’t disclose in a written questionnaire.”