Donald Trump Signs Muslim-Ban 2.0

Donald Trump on Monday issued a new version of his Muslim-ban executive order. The new version of the ban includes changes that are meant to help it withstand the legal challenges that ended up blocking the previous ban.

Notably, the new order removes Iraq from the list of Muslim-majority countries from which travel is temporarily banned. The move to remove Iraq is meant to avoid a diplomatic meltdown the way the first one did.

The new Muslim-ban also stops all refugee admissions for four months. Trump’s new ban also removed the language from the previous version that gave preference to non-Muslims like Christians.

However, the removing of these key elements like excluding Iraq  from the new ban shows just how arbitrary Trump’s Muslim-ban is.

Last week, a leaked document obtained by The Rachel Maddow Show showed that a study by Trump’s Homeland Security Department showed that there is no factual or national security basis for excluding people by nationality.

Maddow: New Leaked Document Proves No Evidence For Trump Muslim-Ban