Trump Gets Fact Checked In Real Time By FBI Director


Donald Trump decided to spend a good portion of his day live tweeting the House Intelligence Committee hearing where the FBI Director confirmed that there is an open investigation into the collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

The FBI and NSA Directors both said that they did not do an analysis into whether the Russian effort caused a change in the election results. Donald Trump tried to claim that means the FBI and NSA confirmed the Russians didn’t influence the election.

Of course that is a blatant lie and purposeful mischaracterization on the part of Donald Trump. The FBI and NSA did not analyze whether the Russian interference helped Trump win, just that the Russians did interfere in the election.

Well a congressman asked the FBI Director to fact check Trump’s tweet in real time. “Thanks to modern technology that’s in front of me, I’ve got a tweet from the president an hour ago,” Congressman Himes said before reading the tweet aloud.

“This tweet has gone out to millions of Americans, 16.1 million to be exact,” he continued. “Is the tweet as I read it to you, is that accurate?”

“It’s hard to react to them,” Comey said, visibly taken aback. “We’ve offered no opinion, have no view, have no information on potential impact because it’s never something we looked at.”

“It certainly wasn’t our intention to say that today, because we don’t have any information on that subject,” he added.