Sanders: Trump Tax Plan Would Make Rigged System Worse

Damn right Senator. 

Donald Trump’s tax plan hasn’t been welcomed with open arms, particularly from Democrats who point out that it will help millionaires and billionaires but do little for the middle class.

And Senator Bernie Sanders is joining the chorus of criticism saying that Trump’s so-called play (it’s one page and fewer than 500 words) would make the rigged system even worse.

“At a time when we have a rigged economy designed to benefit the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations, President Trump’s new tax plan would only make that system worse,” Sanders said in a statement.

“He would slash taxes for himself and his billionaire friends and significantly increase the deficit, while doing little to help rebuild the collapsing middle class,” he added.

“Rather than making large profitable corporations — many of which pay nothing in federal income tax — finally contribute their fair share, Trump wants to give them a huge tax break,” Sanders continued.

Sanders isn’t the only prominent Democrat to criticize Trump’s giveaway to the rich. Earlier in the day, Nancy Pelosi said: “True to form, President Trump’s tax plan is short on details and long on giveaways to big corporations and billionaires.”

Pelosi also said “Instead of focusing on hard-working families as he promised, President Trump’s tax outline is a wish list for billionaires. What few details are here overwhelmingly cut taxes for the richest and do little for middle class Americans and those trying to get there. Besides which, nowhere does President Trump indicate how his deficit-exploding tax plan will actually be paid for.”

Pelosi: ‘Trump’s Tax Plan Is Short On Details And Long On Giveaways To Big Corporations And Billionaires’