Trump’s FCC Reveals Plan To Eliminate Net Neutrality

The Trump FCC thinks that Comcast, AT&T, and Charter can regulate themselves. 

On Wednesday, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Ajit Pai revealed his plans eliminate net neutrality.

During a speech Wednesday, Pai said he plans to hand regulatory jurisdiction of broadband providers back to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which is not prepared or equipped to properly regulate them. Broadband companies were quick to praise the proposal to eliminate net neutrality.

Under the Obama administration, the FCC established the current net neutrality rules which prevent internet service providers from prioritizing some web traffic over others – essentially establishing a level playing field for all companies. The move classified broadband as a common carrier service like telephone companies which are subject to strong government oversight.

The New York Times reported that Pai said “high-speed internet service should no longer be treated like a public utility with strict rules, as it is now. The move would, in effect, largely leave the industry to police itself.”

The new plan under the Trump FCC would only have voluntary commitments from broadband companies with no government oversight.

The Trump administration is essentially saying we should all just sit back and hope Comcast, AT&T and Charter don’t screw us over… you know cause they promise they won’t.