James Comey: Trump ‘Defamed’ Me and FBI With ‘Lies, Plain and Simple’ (Video)

James Comey fires a big opening shot at the Trump administration. 

The first bombshell revelation from James Comey’s live testimony happened in the first moments of the Senate testimony.

Mr. Comey said that “The administration chose to defame me and, more importantly, the FBI by saying that the organization was in disarray, that it was poorly run,” Comey told the Senate.

Comey clearly disputed Donald Trump’s account that he had lost the confidence of the FBI or that the bureau was in disarray or being led poorly.

“He told me repeatedly he had talked to lots of people about me, including our current attorney general and had learned that I was doing a great job and that I was extremely well-liked by the FBI workforce,” Comey said.

“So it confused me when I saw on television the president saying that he actually fired me because of the Russian investigation and learned again from the media that he was telling, privately, other parties that my firing had relieved great pressure on the Russian investigation.”

Watch the video here: