Tom Brokaw: ‘Trump Ran As A Big Time Exec, Not As An Apprentice’

Tom Brokaw’s Response To Paul Ryan’s Trump Excuses Is Perfect. 

Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw responded to Republicans who are excusing Donald Trump’s behavior using the ignorance defense.

In his tweet, Brokaw was specifically responding to Speaker Paul Ryan who Thursday said Trump is new to Washington.

“I’m not saying it’s an acceptable excuse. It’s just my observation,” Ryan told reporters. “He’s new at government and so, therefore, I think that he’s learning as he goes.”

“Spkr Ryan’s excuse for Trump – this is new for him. Excuse me? Trump ran as a big time exec, not as an apprentice,” Brokaw said.

Comey revealed during his congressional testimony on Thursday that Donald Trump, during private conversations, demanded a loyalty pledge during and pushed him to drop the Flynn investigation.

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