New Report Confirms That Republicans In Congress Have Stopped Taking Trump Seriously

A new report in the Washington Post confirms that Donald Trump is having a hard time adjusting to the duties of the presidency and congressional Republicans are starting to doubt him.

The Washington Post report notes, “History suggests that presidents who have governed successfully have been both revered and feared. But Republican fixtures in Washington are beginning to conclude that Trump may be neither, despite his mix of bravado, threats and efforts to schmooze with GOP lawmakers.”

The brutal report comes after Senate Republicans were forced to delay a vote on their Obamacare repeal bill following a number of defections from within the Republican caucus.

Trump has had difficulty displaying a command of the details in the health care bill and Republican Senators are clearly getting frustrated.

The most damaging part of The Washington Post details a Republican party that has completely lost faith in the president’s ability to lead.

“In private conversations on Capitol Hill, Trump is often not taken seriously. Some Republican lawmakers consider some of his promises — such as making Mexico pay for a new border wall — fantastical. They are exhausted and at times exasperated by his hopscotching from one subject to the next, chronicled in his pithy and provocative tweets. They are quick to point out how little command he demonstrates of policy. And they have come to regard some of his threats as empty, concluding that crossing the president poses little danger,” The Washington Post notes.

A report Tuesday night in The New York Times told a similar story, “A senator who supports the bill left the meeting at the White House with a sense that the president did not have a grasp of some basic elements of the Senate plan — and seemed especially confused when a moderate Republican complained that opponents of the bill would cast it as a massive tax break for the wealthy.”

The report went on to say, “Mr. Trump said he planned to tackle tax reform later, ignoring the repeal’s tax implications, the staff member added,” according to The New York Times report.”

Republicans are also increasingly willing to criticize the president in public.

This week Senator Lindsey Graham warned fellow Republicans not to trust Donald Trump.

“Here’s what I would tell any senator: If you’re counting on the president to have your back, you need to watch it,” Graham told reporters on Monday.
“If you’re looking for political cover from the White House, I’m not sure they’re going to give it to you,” he said.
Senator Susan Collins said Wednesday, “This president is the first president in our history who has neither political nor military experience, and thus it has been a challenge to him to learn how to interact with Congress and learn how to push his agenda better.”
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