New York Post Editorial: ‘Donald Trump Jr. Is An Idiot’

The New York Post just released a brutal editorial blasting Donald Trump Jr.

“We see one truly solid takeaway from the story of the day: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot,” The editorial opens up with.

The Post is referring to the chain of emails that Donald Trump Jr. released Tuesday morning confirming that he cooperated with the Russian government effort to impact the election.

In response to an email where Trump Jr replying “If it’s what you say I love it,” the Post blast him saying, “As if the government of former KGB spymaster Vladimir Putin would do anything so clumsy. (Our former colleague Kyle Smith put it nicely: “Don Jr. is why Nigerian e-mail scammers keep trying their luck.”)”

Later in the editorial, The New York Post points out that Trump Jr.’s behavior was so careless that it ended up being passed along to The New York Times. “Oh, and someone was so careless with the e-mail trail that it all wound up being fed to The New York Times, for days of headlines that (at best) undermine President Trump’s agenda as both health and tax reform hang in the balance in Congress.”

“Dumb. Dumb. Dumb,” The Post continued.

You can read the full New York Post editorial here.

[image via screenshot]