Two GOP Senators Announce Opposition To Full Repeal Of Obamacare

New GOP plan already on life support after two Senators announce opposition to full Obamacare repeal.

The new Republican plan to do a full repeal of Obamacare is already in jeopardy of failure after two GOP Senators announced they oppose a full repeal without a replacement plan.

Senators Shelly Moore Capito of West Virgina and Susan Collins of Maine said they oppose Mitch McConnell’s new plan to do a full repeal of Obamacare.

If one more Republican Senator announces they will vote no, the bill will fail.

In her announcement, Capito said, “I did not come to Washington to hurt people…I have serious concerns about how we continue to provide affordable care to those who have benefited from West Virginia’s decision to expand Medicaid, especially in light of the growing opioid crisis…I cannot vote to repeal Obamacare without a replacement plan…”

And Susan Collins told NBC “I do not think that it’s going to be constructive to repeal a law that at this point is so interwoven within our health care system without having a replacement plan in place. We can’t just hope that we will pass a replacement within the next two years.”

Other moderate Republican Senators to watch are Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio and Dean Heller of Nevada.

[image via Twitter screenshot]