Tomorrow’s New York Daily News Cover Is Going To Make Trump Crazy

The New York Daily News trolls Donald Trump again!

On Wednesday the Trump White House announced its plan to dramatically reduce legal immigration.

And the roll out went the way you’d expect – insanely.

Trump advisor Steven Miller stood at the White House press room podium and ranted epically at reporters about a number of things including the Statue of Liberty.

Miller was confronted by a CNN reporter who reminded him of the poem on the Statue of Liberty that says “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”

Well, Miller said we should just ignore that tiny little most important symbol of liberty in our country.

So it is only fitting that after that mess, that the New York Daily News references the incident on its new cover.

The cover page features Donald Trump’s face on the Statue of Liberty with the headline saying “Grab ’em by their liberty.”

The headline, of course, is a reference to the now infamous Access Hollywood tape where Donald Trump bragged about grabbing women’s genital without consent.

Here is the cover: