Manhattan DA Considering Criminal Charges Against Trump Org: Report

Reminder: Trump can’t pardon state charges.

According to a blockbuster new report in The New York Times, prosecutors in Manhattan are considering criminal charges against the president’s business the Trump Organization and two top company officials.

The charges would be over the hush-money payment made to cover up a Trump affair by former longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

The New York Times reported on Thursday that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office is considering charges over the company’s accounting of Cohen’s payment to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels.

“Manhattan prosecutors are focused on whether business records were falsified, one of the officials said. That could be charged as a low-level felony, or as a misdemeanor … It becomes a felony if it is done to commit or conceal another crime,” The New York Times reported.

As noted in the report, “State charges … could be significant because Mr. Trump has talked about pardoning some of his current or former aides who have faced federal charges. As president, he has no power to pardon people and corporate entities convicted of state crimes.”

Read the full New York Times report here.

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