WATCH: Bill Maher To Trump Supporter: ‘It’s A Giant Con What He’s Done’

In a CNN town hall Thursday evening, Bill Maher mixed it up with Trump supporters calling Trump a “con.”

A Trump supporter asked Maher, “Why can’t you guys in the media and Hollywood give [Trump] some slack?” asked a Trump supporter who was chosen to participate in the Los Angeles town hall.

“Because of what he’s done and said,” Maher responded.

The Trump responded saying, “He’s been there only three weeks. Give him a break. The toughest job on Earth.”

Give him a break?” Maher asked incredulously. “Do you read the news?
“The toughest job on Earth has never been done like this. This is beyond the realm of politics.
Maher continued, “It’s a giant con what he’s done. He ran for the little man and then what does he do? He gets into office. The coal companies can dump sludge in the river because, you know, that’s what the little man is aching for.”

Then Maher turned to Trump’s attack on financial regulations, “Undoing Dodd-Frank because so many of the town halls in Appalachia, people were standing up and saying, ‘Mr. Trump, please get rid of the Volcker Rule!'”