WATCH: Bernie Sanders Reacts To The New Michael Flynn-Russia Revelation


On Friday, Senator Bernie Sanders reacted to the revelation that Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had discussions with Russia about U.S. sanctions before the election and before Trump’s inauguration.

Sanders said, “This is a very troubling development.” Sanders was on CNN’s OutFront and continued, “This is very, very troubling and I think the president is going to have to tell us what he’s going to do about it.”

Sanders also added that the allegations about Flynn are just the latest concerning link between the Trump administration and Russia.

“It speaks to the broader issue of Russia’s involvement in our elections,” said Sanders.

“It speaks to the issue of President Trump being buddy-buddy with a thug and murderer who is the head of Russia,” he added.

“And now we’re learning there may have been discussions between Flynn and the Russians before this administration came to power.”