Tom Perez: ‘They Need To Change The Nominee’ Not the Senate Rules

DNC Chair blasts Republicans over Neil Gorsuch 
DNC Chair Tom Perez on Monday blasted Republicans for threatening the Senate rules to get Neil Gorsuch onto the Supreme Court. Perez said that the Democrats opposition and filibuster calls for Donald Trump to chose a new nominee.

“It’s plain and simple: Gorsuch has not earned the votes in the Senate to join the Supreme Court,” Perez said in a statement on Monday.

“Republicans can’t fix Gorsuch by changing the rules,” Perez continued. “They need to change the nominee.”

Perez also said that Neil Gorsuch has a “long record of cruel rulings that favor powerful and corporate interests over individuals.”

“Neil Gorsuch ruled against a truck driver who was fired for choosing to save his own life rather than freeze to death, and against an autistic child simply seeking a better education,” Perez continued.