Al Franken Just Confirmed Jeff Sessions’ Third Meeting With Russian Ambassador

Durning an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, Senator Al Franken confirmed the story that Jeff Sessions had a third, and previously undisclosed, meeting with the Russia ambassador.

Franken told O’Donnell that his committee was aware of the Sessions meeting and was concerned that the way the event was characterized didn’t line up with the information the committee has.

Mr. Franken revealed he had sent a letter to the then FBI Director Jeff Sessions’ reported third meeting with Ambassador Kislyak.

Franken also suggested that there was more news to come on the meeting.

It was reported Wednesday evening by CNN that congressional investigators are looking into whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions had an additional, previously undisclosed, private meeting with the Russian ambassador during the campaign.

The reported meeting took place during a Trump campaign stop at the Mayflower Hotel.

Congress Is Investigating Another Meeting Between Sessions and Russian Ambassador