Devin Nunes Is Still Doing Trump’s Bidding Despite Recusal

News broke late Wednesday that the House Intelligence Committee had issued seven subpoenas in the Russia investigation, however, it quickly became clear that three of the seven were not related to the Russia investigation at all.

In fact, they aren’t related to anything other than Donald Trump’s lies about illegal wiretapping by the Obama administration.

The subpoenas were issued to three former Obama administration officials – Susan Rice, Samantha Powers and Joh Brennan.

And those subpoenas were issued not by the heads of the House investigation Mike Conway and Adam Schiff. They were issued by the one and only Devin Nunes.

Devin Nunes violated House rules and the terms of his recusal by issuing the three subpoenas. The move by Nunes is clearly another attempt by him to undermine the investigation, which is what led to his recusal in the first place.

Democrat Adam Schiff made clear that he and the acting chairman Republican Mike Conway issued just four subpoenas specifically related to the Russia investigation.

Nunes is clearly violating his recusal and blatantly attempting to muddy the waters of the Russia investigation.

Nunes is still under investigation for revealing classified information.