New York Daily News Cover Calls Donald Trump A Liar

Donald Trump isn’t going to like tomorrow’s New York Daily News cover page. 

The New York Daily News is calling out Donald Trump as a liar after former FBI Director James Comey said that Trump lied about him and the FBI.

The New York City tabloid’s front page Friday will feature a close-up of Donald Trump’s face with the word “LIAR” as the headline across the center of the image.

According to the New York Daily News the three takeaways from Comey’s testimony are: 1) “Trump lied about Flynn obstruction try” 2) “Trump lied by calling Russia case a hoax” and 3) “Trump lied about why I was fired.”

During the opening remarks of his Senate testimony, Comey called Trump a “liar.”

“The administration chose to defame me and, more importantly, the FBI by saying that the organization was in disarray, that it was poorly run,” Comey said. “Those were lies, plain and simple.”

Here is the cover of The New York Daily News:

[image via screengrab]

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