Mueller Using Trump Tweets To Build Case For Obstruction Of Justice: Report

The evidence is hiding in plain sight. 

Donald Trump’s Twitter use might be coming back to bite him. According to a new report, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is using Trump’s Twitter statements and other public comments as part of the obstruction of justice investigation into the president.

Specifically, Mueller is scrutinizing tweets and negative statements made by Trump about Jeff Sessions and James Comey as part of the obstruction investigation, three people briefed on the matter told the New York Times.

The New York Times report went on to note that “privately, some of the lawyers have expressed concern that Mr. Mueller will stitch together several episodes, encounters and pieces of evidence, like the tweets, to build a case that the president embarked on a broad effort to interfere with the investigation.”

“The special counsel’s investigators have told Mr. Trump’s lawyers they are examining the tweets under a wide-ranging obstruction-of-justice law beefed up after the Enron accounting scandal, according to the three people. The investigators did not explicitly say they were examining possible witness tampering, but the nature of the questions they want to ask the president, and the fact that they are scrutinizing his actions under a section of the United States Code titled ‘Tampering With a Witness, Victim, or an Informant,’ raised concerns for his lawyers about Mr. Trump’s exposure in the investigation,” The New York Times went on to note.

Read the full New York Times report here.

[image via DOJ/Gage Skidmore]