Rachel Maddow Obtains Secret Devin Nunes Recordings At GOP Fundraiser

Devin Nunes caught blabbing about Mueller investigation, Supreme Court vote during Republican fundraiser.

[listen to the audio below]

The Rachel Maddow Show obtained and released secret audio tapes from a private Republican fundraiser where Congressman Devin Nunes can be heard discussing the Russia probe.

In the recordings that Maddow played on her show Wednesday night, Nunes can be heard telling Republican donors that the reason Republicans have hit a snag in their attempts to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is because the Senate needs to focus on the impending Supreme Court vote.


“So if we actually vote to impeach, OK, what that does is that triggers the Senate then has to take it up,” he said on the recording. “Well, and you have to decide what you want right now because the Senate only has so much time.”

He continued: “Do you want them to drop everything and not confirm the Supreme Court justice, the new Supreme Court justice?”

“The Senate would have to drop everything they’re doing … and start with impeachment on Rosenstein. And then take the risk of not getting Kavanaugh confirmed,” Nunes said. “So it’s not a matter that any of us like Rosenstein. It’s a matter of, it’s a matter of timing.”

Read about the recording here.

[image via screenshots]