Michael Cohen Has Flipped, Now Cooperating With The Feds

The rats are fleeing the ship.

Michael Cohen has reached a deal with prosecutors.

President Trump’s close business associate and so-called fixer Michael Cohen has agreed to a criminal cooperation deal with federal prosecutors, according to ABC News.

“ABC News has learned that Michael Cohen has entered into a plea agreement with federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York,” ABC News reported.

NBC News has also confirmed the news.

While the plea agreement is with the Southern District of New York it will extend to any relevant federal investigations including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

As the ABC report notes, “Given Cohen’s proximity to Trump during the past decade, including throughout his meteoric rise from mogul and reality television star to the White House, observers consider him one of most potent legal thorns to confront Trump’s presidency since he took office.”

Cohen is being investigated for bank and tax fraud.

The deal is the latest example of a former close Trump confidant that has now flipped, following Michael Flynn and Rick Gates who both entered cooperation agreements.

Michael Cohen’s decision to cooperate with prosecutors is not likely to sit well with President Trump. Cohen worked for years inside the Trump Organization and has intimate knowledge of the Trump business and any illegal activity.

[image via CNN screenshot]